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Retired Kentucky Police Officer Raped And Sodomized Child

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Retired Kentucky Police Officer

Retired Kentucky Police Officer Raped And Sodomized Child

Retired Kentucky Police Officer David Love Raped And Sodomized Child Under 14 During Months Of Abuse

Retired Kentucky Police OfficerPolice have arrested a retired Kentucky police officer David Love on January 4th for raping a child and possessing child pornography.

Police have also charged Love with sodomy.

Authorities have charged Love with rape and sodomy. They have also charged him with tampering with physical evidence. An arrest slip alleges Love was in a sexual relationship with a victim who was under the age of 14. Love admitted to the crimes during an interview.

He told police he also had child pornography on his tablet that he sent via Facebook Messenger. However, he has since deleted it.

Police detained the former Kentucky police officer in the Hardin County Detention Center.

Police released a mugshot of Love where he appeared to be badly bruised. He has a thick bandage under his chin and around his head. It is not clear how Love became injured.

According to the arrest report, Love’s ‘relationship’ with the minor – who was under 14 years old – began on October 8.

Love reportedly admitted during a non-custodial interview that he had received oral sex from and performed other sex acts with the minor.

The sex acts started when the victim was younger than 14 and continued when they were 14.

The retired Kentucky Police Officer also reportedly admitted to having child pornography on his tablet and sending it through Facebook Messenger.

Love said he had then deleted the images from the tablet.

Police have also charge Love with second-degree rape with no force and second-degree sodomy. In addition, authorities have also charged him with tampering with physical evidence.

Police released Love from the Hardin County Detention Center after he partially securing a $25,000 bond.

Read More About Psychopathic Cops Who Violate Their Oath To Protect And Serve On WaspGirls.com.

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